See the baby girl spinning in a circle as fast as she can. Likely the first high of a child with two legs under her. And, oh, what a high!
She stops spinning but the earth keeps twirling until finally her equilibrium settles and she staggers and smiles and falls to the ground. She feels a bit queazy. What just happened?
We are like that twirling moment, all of us, believing we are that aliveness, that high, that action of spinning for a short amount of time and then cessation. But we’re unaware that the earth, too, spins. And we are the earth. We are physical representations of invisible action who create actions and believe that our doing is all there is.
We are life. We are LIFE.
Sun gives light to Earth and we are that light, for Earth converts light to life and we are life. We are Sun, we are Earth, we are the womb of it all and all of our parents back through ancient times and within the timeless moment in which all of this springs eternal.
We are the twirling girl dropping to grass. Smiling. Giggling. Selfish. Crying. We are the temporary joys and tantrums of us all, for we are all, each individual, all.
Let’s not numb out. Let’s come into Being. We pretend we’re twirling on our own but Earth is spinning and we are also Earth. We are the immense aloneness in which all of us dance.
We are LIFE.