Impersonal Love. It sounds so… impersonal. But is it? Is it really that chilly, or just an unfortunate word association? Perhaps the reason personal love gives us the warm fuzzies, while impersonal Love sounds like two robots doing it, is because the personal self is in constant need of justifying its existence, which necessitates making impersonal Love a bad thing. Or at least an awkward, poorly explained, closeted thing.
So, what is impersonal Love? It is choiceless Love. Love beyond the interference of will. We think of choice and assertion of will as positive traits of higher brains or minds, and yet that which we assume is the ultimate positive expression, Love, is not an expression at all. Love is not the property of thought to be given and received at will. Love is its own will. Love is the ultimate consciousness we endlessly babble about at Our Undoing. Love is Oneness living.
Minds within time choose who to love, how much, and why. They sort out the particulars because they are separate-self senses parsing and parsing in ever-fine detail, in accordance with their wants and needs. But when it comes to the ultimate formless intelligence in which all of these selves exist, there is no choice but to be Love. That is one’s identity, and since one contains all, you wouldn’t say, “I love you” to each and every particle of your existence because there is nothing separate to feel toward or about. It’s all you. Loving just is.
Being. Living. Loving. These three words describe the immutable, permanent action of ultimate Formless Intelligence. Love is Being’s existence, and existing is Being’s action. Therefore, Love is Being and Being’s action. Love is living.
In everyday usage, the word “impersonal” means cold and distant, something kept at arm’s length. But impersonal Love is just the opposite. It is understanding that the external is the internal. It’s understanding so deeply that one is living the fact with no separation, no choice. All of these beings and things that we personally choose to love, or withhold love from, are within timeless Being, and we are all that. They are within us and we within them, effortlessly.
However, impersonal Love is not the opposite of personal love. Personal love is divisive. It’s giving love to something or someone, including yourself. It’s projecting. It looks oppositional on its face, but the opposite of personal love is hate. As with all actions, choices, states, and stages of being, all oppositional notions are contained within impersonal Love. The hater and the hated; the lover and the loved are all disidentified expressions within Love. Because we disidentify with Oneness, we turn Love into a confusion, a choice, a belief and disbelief. In this state, we feel Love in intervals. We feel it coming over us. We feel a space between us and it. In that space, we make a god. We make a soulmate. We beg animals to love us. We love ourselves as if there is a separate entity within us loving us.
The personal implies immediacy and there is nothing more immediate than now. That’s so obvious that you feel bad for my thinking I had to spell it out, yeah? But the therefore isn’t so obvious. Therefore, it does not get more personal than impersonal Love, for we are that when we’re completely undivided. Completely undivided people are not “in control” as conscious selfs, not influenced or controlled by a personal subconscious, and not influenced or controlled by a collective unconscious. All of consciousness, all of Mind-At-Large, for such a one, is in harmony, flowing with Truth, which is timeless and which is Love. When we are not living as such a one, there is no use in trying to emulate it. To emulate impersonal Love is to lie, which creates hatred. These are expressions of fear.
Never try to be what you are not. Never run from the fact of you right this moment. Understand it. Understand you. Understanding alone brings clarity, which is the ending of disidentifying with and dividing our whole nature: Being-Living-Loving.