Truth as Knowledge
Let’s talk about knowledge. In my case, as Westernized brain-Jeremy broke apart and disintegrated, insights came flooding in. To a brain-self, insights are Truth as knowledge. Transcendentally encompassing that, Truth is the living flow, the action(s) that you are and that you take when expressing wholeness. But until that living flow person is you, you’re a person feeling really good about being alive and having these epiphanies as to how life works, doesn’t work, the is-ness of all things, and so forth. If you’re not careful you may start to believe you’re channeling information from a spirit or being given this information from a god. You might feel special or chosen, when what you are is cracking open to your whole self, and some of that wholeness you’ve been holding back is seeping through the cracks.
Again, if you’re careless with insights, you might say, “I know now my purpose in life” and then begin teaching these insights to others. Sharing them is fine, but teaching leads to the same identity crisis you were just breaking out of and is completely unhelpful to those seeking such teachings. Roles are identities. Identities are walls. Teaching words to live by keeps all involved—teacher and student—in prison.
What are insights for if not teachings?
Being flooded with insights is purely the circumstance one finds oneself in as brain-self is dissolving. It’s the liminal state between receiving trickles of Truth and being Truth, the full flow of it. Truth roars a flood of insights through one who is less-but-still acting as a receiver—as a brain-self.
Heart-selves are less likely to need to be inundated with insights because they are more likely to already be living them naturally within the context of their heart cultures. How to live in balance in an interdependent world isn’t a new and shockingly joyful discovery for heart people. Truths like those don’t need to be articulated because they already form the program running in the background of the culture. Unfortunately, this can become its own impediment to fully being, because it can feel like there’s nowhere left to go. These are cultures of the wise that delegate responsibilities and specialties, often honed through lifelong apprenticeships and agreements to focus all of one’s energy on a specific subject.
In Hawaii, there were kahuna for every expertise from fishing to dreaming to death. In South America, the shaman is the shaman. No one else is the shaman. Not everyone gets to be a spiritual wisdom keeper, nor do they want to be. Americanized folks tend to think of such discipline and structure as holding them back, an impediment to freedom. In fact, these structures come from freedom—they come from the land herself, not selfish desire for accumulating knowledge. One not in tune with Mother Earth is in shackles, daydreaming that they are free. We’re living the consequences of that delusion right now.
Being able to act out any way you want is childish. And bratty. And we have guns. We’re like two-year-olds holding everyone hostage because we don’t know what we’re doing, but we’re sure we’re right. Not good.
All of that being the case, clearly living in heart is the antidote to the destruction of what we coldly call “the environment.” Living in heart is living in balance with-and-as nature. Insights, in part, speak to this and how to do this. However, there is still more to us. There is still that which transcends and includes heart, and insights speak to that as well. And that is all of our birthright, not a specialty of the few.
While we are thankful for all that Mother Earth gives and respect her laws, it is perfectly natural to be birthed into our fullness. Brain-people might believe this means inhabiting other planets in the galaxy, because that’s mechanical, we can envision it, and it negates our responsibilities here. Trash the place and move on, like a cancer. But, no. Birthing into the universe is not external. It’s not internal. It’s both. It’s both at once. That doesn’t mean we have to leave the planet to get there. We need only leave time.
Only. And with help.
Kundalini aliveness stretches the body and activates the psychic. It turns us on and exercises us. Insights do much the same, exercising us intellectually and building us up morally. Insights help eliminate the interval of time between decision and action by eliminating confusion. They serve to make us one with our actions, replacing recognition with cognition, reaction with action, bringing us ever closer to living in the moment.
Such a state of being can never be mastered.