Discoveries in physics are never-ending because the universe is nothing. The universe can work any way you see it as, because forms and functions are nonsense. There is no reason for anything to work the way it does except that it does. To see how this is so, look no further than ants and people. Ants live in complex societies and so obviously scale has no relation to complexity of behavior any more than the form of brain and body correlate to complex behavior. And yet… we live like matter matters.
Ants have armies. Ants have complex relationships that mirror our own. But they’re ants and so we think nothing of it, going about our days pretending that the human brain is a wonder and free will a mysterious blessing of the frontal cortex. Here’s a question about the freedom of that will: If we’re using our free will in the exact ways ants and other organisms use theirs, how does it differ? Because we can reflect on how much our present militancy sucks compared to the free societies we imagine as a better tomorrow? Is that the difference between ants and humans: the ability to imagine freedom while stuck in bondage?
Ah, but we’re making selfish mistakes, while insects and animals are running on programs. We can abandon our programming if we choose, we simply choose not to, much of the time, because we’re gluttons for punishment. Got it. But even if true, the complexities of those instinctive programs are the same or similar to our own. How are ants achieving this with completely different brains and in teeny tiny bodies? And how is it that there are so few programs shared by a breathtaking array of lifeforms?
While we’re on the subject of programs, let’s look at computers. Remember when a calculator took up an entire room? Remember when the future of computing technology was imagined to take up industrial warehouses just to send an email? Now look at what we’ve got and where we’re taking it. Smaller and smaller. Quantum computers are coming. And think about all of the information we store on these devices that are practically nothing. Think of all the things we do with a phone now. Filmmakers can use them to shoot movies. Remember when filmmakers used film?
So, size doesn’t matter and neither do the components of it. Not in the sense that all of the forms tried to execute a vision work, or work equally well, but in the sense that there are innumerable ways to execute, or embody, visions. Want to record music? Vinyl records, tapes, CDs, hard drives, cloud storage. Recording music is the idea. The physical execution is just what people concentrate on to physicalize it.
Want to play music? We’ve got all the same notes coming out of vastly different instruments, clanging rocks, and vocal cords. The forms are all carriers of the singular formless concept, music. How they express music differs in quality because shape does what its name says: it shapes. The shape of the physical form shapes the sound of formless notes, which are the same for each instrument. Forms and sounds may be infinite in their variations, but the notes are finite.
Try as you might, you will never find the root cause of anything in the physical universe because the root is not physical. Like a musical note, it just is. The emanator of that Isness is the living force that manifests us. Its action is being. One thing it’s being is the physical state, which includes all actions therein. The matter carrying around all this empty action—well, that’s superfluous except as an expression of the concept, variety.
By trying to make sense of reality from within reality—by trying to find all of the clarity of it within mathematical and material bounds, we are seeing the world exactly backwards. To see with clarity, one must be clarity. To be clarity, then, means to be timeless, spaceless, immaterial. It means abandoning thought altogether, which includes the self. The brain must do this for clarity to be the case. This alone is the invitation for formless awareness to be the perceiver of the body, thereby ending illusion. And this brain choice is the concept, free will.
Shall we embody it?