On the one hand, Truth is uncompromising. On the other hand, you have the free will choice to completely ignore it. What’s this about?
Truth is living. Truth is the action of one who is God-alive. So there is no compromise in how such a one behaves and what such a one does in the world because such a one is living, breathing Truth engaging the world with a self. Not a self engaging the world with truths—that is, with Truth as dead teachings. When Truth is dead, broken into things heard and learned—when Truth is shattered into repetitive truths—Truth can be ignored, translated, and so on, because you, the self, are the controlling factor in that there body.
On the one hand, you are born a body and so naturally your consciousness emerges from the physical. If you want to understand the other hand, wherein the physical emerges within consciousness, the you who wants this must no longer exist. What the you who wants this really wants, though, is wholeness as a thing you can do something with.
You want the sound of one hand clapping.