She said she can achieve nothingness, but no change results from it and so her mind eventually wanders. By this she meant that she can be thoughtless—not an image or a word drifting into awareness. And still… nothing. Not the nothing of Truth, but the nothing of anticipation followed by the letdown of unfulfilled expectation. This, because there is still a thought humming in the background in the form of expectation. There is still her as pure witness actively waiting like an adolescent girl holding her breath.
When one talks about Void, one is not talking about a self-carved headspace waiting to be filled. Such a headspace is already filled with the desire for something to happen. She is still there in all her alleged higher-self glory, growing bored. If the higher self, or pure witness, is separate from the witnessed, how pure can she be? She is still in duality, in thought, though overt forms may not arise in her awareness. The flavor of anticipation is enough.
There is a form of Christian prayer, similar to various Buddhist meditations, wherein the believer must empty his mind and be still, but when he achieves that void he must fill it with the Word, which is a visualization of Jesus. This is how he is to achieve Christ consciousness, or become a friend of Christ. He is told that to merely achieve the void without Christ is dangerous. But the void and the Jesus are projections of himself, so it is no more dangerous than his own mind.
No more dangerous than the mind of man.