You’ve heard me say it. You’ve seen me write it. It’s the same thing Krishnamurti and a few others in the I know something you don’t circle have said in years past: I am not a teacher.
Is that true? It sure feels like you’re learning, right? And I’m giving (or selling) knowledge and possibility, so how am I not a teacher?
Through Our Undoing, I am communicating direct experience and direct knowledge of Truth, Spirit, and capital ‘W’ Wholeness. I do my best to distinguish my personal experience and thinking from the impersonal. The impersonal is what happens to everyone when tapping into Oneness. The personal is how I understand what’s happening with me to get me healthy, in balance, and ready for total transformation. What I describe may or may not happen with you because health plans are tailored to our unique unhealthiness and ignorance. Yes, that’s right, our imbalances as human beings are like precious snowflakes: each one different and special.
An example of impersonal direct experience is the kundalini aliveness—namely, that it is alive in this body at all. The personal experience is what it’s doing: making the form healthy and awakening any latent psychic and subtle stuff I was unaware of along the way.
Impersonal direct knowledge is Truth flowing through-and-as mind. It is both a 2nd-person and 1st-person experience at once. You feel like you’re receiving wisdom—wisdom that you already are.
The fact that I am not a teacher does not equate to me not knowing stuff you don’t and can’t if you’re still you. Knowing unequivocally through experiencing and being, not studying and surmising. Usually such a person is a teacher or a cult leader or just an arrogant fool. Perhaps I am the third, but certainly not the first two. It’s not that I have nothing to say that you could learn from, but the learner is precisely the entity who needs to break down and die to resurrect as Truth. I mean beyond even direct experience when it remains in the field of duality as immersion.
So, yeah. You can treat these writings as mere annotations in the margins of wisdom you’ve already absorbed elsewhere–knowledge to add to the computer banks in your noggin–but what you’ll be studying is the history of how you’re not awake right now. The real learning begins when knowledge does not exist. Thought does not exist.
When the thinker takes a vacation, Truth comes home and Feng Shui’s the place.