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Talking To Oneself
Talking To Oneself

Talking To Oneself

The fractal nature of the universe works as a store of metaphors for us precisely because we are that universe. 
A fractal is a geometric figure that retains its repeating mathematical pattern irrespective of size and scale. Some fractals look exactly the same when repeated; some differ slightly through repetition. One way to look at human behaviors–and even human inventions–is to see them as having their literal, obvious components, and further having symbolic components. These symbolic components may be simple or complex depending on the behavior or invention in question. When we notice all of the repetitions within ourselves, within other organisms, and within the universe at large, existence is revealed to be uniformly fractal, bearing the same sets of patterns within patterns within patterns. Everything starts to look like a metaphor for everything else. Soon, the literal and the physical look no more substantial that a wisp.
What we’re interested in are the patterns that provide a clue as to what we know deep down we are missing. What are we telling ourselves through certain patterns of behavior and complex inventions that we can only hear through deep listening?
Let us begin our discovery.