He talks about back in the day. Thousands of years ago, back in the day. The powers we had. The wizard wars. Balls of energy shot through the air by people with deep knowledge of an inner world we’ve locked behind prison bars of scripture.
If the ancient times sound familiar, sound modern and post-modern, it’s because there is no linear time. The brain creates linear time and claims to be evolving, yet here we are. At war. Right where we’ve always been.
Stagnation breeds unbalanced, unhealthy people in heart cultures the same as in brain cultures. The quest for personal power always ends in cannibalism, whether it be meat cooked in a fire pit or through gunfire. This tells us that while heart transcends and includes the brain, this is not the end of our story. There is a stage beyond and inclusive of both of these stages. A stage that requires the death of the known. This stage beyond the alive self and the dead self is also you. Also you because it is not just beyond, it is beyond and inclusive of both. Inclusive of all.
You are always you and beyond you. This is expressed fractally as physical growth, both in terms of evolution and in terms of personal growth, from baby to elder. It is expressed as the organism that is caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly: one movement broken by the dualistic caterpillar into three stages of being.
You are always you and beyond you is also expressed fractally in a nonlinear fashion in those who accept that life is metaphor within metaphor; those who know what all points of view being valid means; those who understand that people who died physically are alive right next to us invisibly, and so there is no then and now, only now.
The separate-self sense must be transcended and included within the interconnecting web-of-life sense to exist as the baseline of health. Both senses may be transcended and included within other states and stages that seem to form a nested hierarchy of consciousness, yet all are manifesting within Being. Being is the ultimate formless awareness giving rise to all forms. From that perspective—which is ultimately you—there is “only” all forms forming right now. To live the point of view of this ultimate I perspective means the death of self, brain and heart. It requires the abandonment of all knowledge and knowing. It requires silence. It requires listening.
It requires nothing.