The universe is a psychedelic trip in slow motion. Given enough time, anything one experiences on a trip can be reproduced. What feels spectacular in a trip is the immediacy of everything: a variety of visuals happening at once–heightened senses and emotions in the foreground, imagination in the foreground–and the personal self recessed, last seat on the bus.
Tripping does not provide the ultimate “enlightenment,” but it is enlightening as to what thought can do, what else it is, and the limitlessness of its expression within itself. While thought constructs can transcend and include within thought, don’t be fooled into believing that thought can transcend and include the ultimate or that there is nothing beyond thought. Depth still has within it the implication of separation. We may or may not travel to other worlds through psychedelic tripping, but we absolutely create them.
Yes, we create the impersonal, too. Our inability to recognize impersonal thought as our thought is fractally the same as our inability to recognize another as oneself.