I recently did a Rambleshare video in which I talked about how transcending and including in the physical world looks hierarchical, but is not. It’s simultaneous. Matter appears to be organizing and building interdependent beings through a hierarchical scheme, but at least one of the organisms it’s “building” is a being with enough sentience to be able to examine the “building blocks” of itself. And when this sentient being looks, it sees the fundamental building block reacting to its observation. The fundamental block’s state, when unobserved, is action. When observed, is reaction. It mirrors the state of mind of the observer because it is now drawn into time by being observed.
When observed through the lens of time, a particle is a building block. When unobserved, it simply is. All simply is. And all of this timelessness and time exists in the bubble called No-Thing.
Particles appear to manifest as light from emptiness and create bodies. Some of these bodies are people and some of these people call themselves enlightened when they bring forth emptiness through their bodies. But emptiness is consciousness, is Spirit, is Being. All is in and of that right now, the bubble called No-Thing.
Time is a perspective; evolution is a facet of that perspective. Enlightenment isn’t evolution, it is seeing what’s all around and through us. It’s seeing what we are, which is formless Spirit manifesting. That manifesting is always already happening right now. But from any form’s perspective, it is unfolding through time. This is where an allegedly enlightened one normally states that time is an illusion and therefore evolution is an illusion–that, because time is transcended and included within the now, evolution is therefore a mere appearance. The thing such a one fails to articulate, and perhaps understand, is that this appearance is a necessary appearance. Time is a necessary illusion. They must exist because nothingness is consciousness and consciousness is being thingness–being physicality, being life. That either nothingness or thingness came first is untrue. Nothingness transcends and includes thingness, so from the perspective of time, thingness appears to unfold from nothingness.
The materialist notion that matter precedes consciousness is limiting and false. It looks true if we stop understanding at the Big Bang—or the appearance of particles in a vacuum. That’s generally what Western science does. Much safer to stick a pin there and call it the beginning than examine the implications of nothingness. But the spiritual and religious notions that consciousness precedes matter are also untrue. From the perspective of time, discussing it that way is a means to articulate the fallacy of Western science and/or suppose the existence of a creator god. And since consciousness transcends and includes thingness, it’s temping to divide thingness from nothingness—but they are forever expressing oneness. They are indivisible elements of Being. Therefore, matter is not secondary to consciousness; they are simultaneous within consciousness.
When scientists, religious figures, and others treat physicality as lesser than consciousness, they can get it to work that way. But that doesn’t mean it is that way. Subdivision within a bubble is still an expression of the bubble. And so, for example, we don’t need to develop technology to harness consciousness to move non-locally through space/time, as I’ve seen posited in answer to the problem of light speed. Doing that engages a linear subdivision within the bubble, like any other decision. We need a change in perspective, an understanding of space/time deeper than us moving through. Us moving through non-locally is like dragging the transcendent to our level. We need to be transcendence, not act on it.
We do love to apply our problem-solving skills to everything. When it comes to transcendence, there is no such thing. Problem-solving doesn’t work. Searching the memory bank for the right combination of knowledge is inapplicable here. Transcendence is of clarity, not clutter. And so, if you waded through this densely-packed essay without drowning in letters, perhaps you will take a hint from the period at the end of this sentence, for clarity cannot come through words.