Yeah, man. Take a hit of this, man… and free your miiiiiiind….
The mind can alter gradually or in a singular transformative moment. The main way modern spiritual modalities display hierarchies is by misrepresenting lateral methods of slow transition to heart as vertical moves toward wholeness. This, because our want as thought constructs is to remain alive as thought constructs. Put another way, our want is for wholeness as we are.
Our need, however, is for wholeness as it is. And so we procrastinate through delusion, transposing the want over the need and in so doing, plopping a big ol’ interval of time between self and wholeness. We pray we’ll get there in this life or the next, by education or by accident. But if we’re talking multiple lives, shouldn’t we ask what reincarnates? Sure, we should. Like this: What reincarnates?
Thought. Past experience. History repeats itself. Individual personas also may, as they tumble around the collective and get absorbed and genetically recycled. This, because thought is like a hydra—both its own central entity and also the tendril entities that comprise it.
Yeah, I dig, man! If, like, the hydra, or whatever, was alive and the tenticles were alive, too, but like, it all was alive at once and not at once!
Thought is the reverse of oneness playing out within oneness, as all things must.
Thought is the intermediary between actions and objects. It is time and therefore mechanical. Because we are thought we are building technology to emulate oneness, to become that through mechanics. But we cannot transcend and include our mechanical nature with more mechanics. When New Age hippies talk about leaving behind this density or frequency, what they’re talking about and don’t know it is dissolving thought. Thought doesn’t want to die and so it incorporates the need for its own death into itself as knowledge, as a bastardization, as more thought to riff off of, toy with, and ultimately be wrong about.
Wow, man! You just blew my mind, dude! It’s like… words and stuff!
Thought is the devil, the fallen angel, the formless awareness that produces forms, which contain its awareness and create more forms. Humans are attempting to create more forms with even more awareness via technology. Apparently, giving birth is not good enough. We are the pinnacle of what thought can achieve and so thought will not let us go without a fight.
Can thought keep us alive as copies of ourselves in other universes? If so, then even the big tent of universal thought lives in a bigger tent called multidimensional thought. And on thought goes. On form goes. On formless awarenesses attached to forms go, all incarnations of the same echo whose scream is, “Do!”
And so you think you’re here to do things, to learn, to expand, and then some of you add to that, leave.
You’re here to leave? Leave where?
To the next school of learning. Reincarnate here; reincarnate there. We can do that—do all of that doing—but we will always be a hole trying to fill itself, for that which isn’t whole is hole.
Reincarnation does have its place, however, and it’s right here, right now. Being has its own doing when thought’s self-aware doer dissolves. When that happens, the doer reincarnates. Thought, that fallen angel, ascends to Heaven, taking its rightful, healthy place as second fiddle within Being. Because it’s the devil, thought doesn’t want that. Thought craves the limelight. Thought desires to be the center of everything, a god unto itself within and as you.
Heavy. Is that a metaphor?
Imagine the mushroom taking a trip into human mind. What would it see? It would see that thought is a carney barker keeping us occupied and nothing more. It would see a reflection. I once tripped on mushrooms and met this carney barker. It was annoying. It was a trap. It was my own mouth doing an impression.
It was me I heard.
Yeah, man. I hear that. It’s like everything’s… just a…. Oh, dude, I KNOW that guy! … You gonna finish that pizza?