She told me about dark sorcerers controlling the hearts and minds of people. They steer societies from another plane of existence. She fights them with magic while awake and in dreamtime. She’s certain they exist, she explained, because elders from multiple indigenous nations speak of them and because she’s clashed with them in dreams.
From one view it is easy to pass her off as just another misguided New Age fantasist playing with the toys of other cultures she reveres to feel powerful. She was told about this. She subsequently dreamed it and took that dream at face value. Now she knows it’s all true and she’s a warrior fighting for the good.
From another view she may have tapped into some higher truth, a war game for the collective soul of humanity taking place in and out of the matrix. In religious terms it is the war between good and evil, angels and demons—an Us vs.Them fractal that transcends and includes people. Whose side are you on? To acknowledge the game is to engage with it and there’s no turning back. You’re in it.
These views concentrate on her, but what of the source material from which she is drawing?
Indeed, spiritual wisdom keepers from various indigenous nations do talk about this secret war. Since these are people who come from heart, which transcends and includes brain, one might ask why they are engaging in spiritual warfare if there is no such thing?
War. What’s It Good For?
What is war? We can answer that any number of ways and they’d all likely be correct. Is there an essence of war that is hiding behind the answers? Could it be that war is the great agitator indicating that we cannot rest at whatever level we have settled on?
That can be as literal as the war caused by colonization, or it can be as metaphorical as being at war within yourself. It can be with people in reality, with aliens in fantasy, with magical beings in heart. Evil pops up and challenges the seeker along the way of the hero’s journey. What does all of this indicate?
You are only ever at war with yourself. This is a truth. Cultures—even heart cultures—that build up a strong self identity create warriors. A warrior with nothing to fight is not a warrior.
Mystics who may already consider themselves enlightened after certain experiences they deem to be spiritually higher than an average person’s maintain duality by expelling evil, seeing it “out there” (even if by “out there” they mean internally in dreams and visions), and fighting it. Or joining it! There is that choice in duality.
And there are those who seek to harmonize and balance good and evil through rituals and/or through sending love-bliss to the world. They want to become a radiant source of light that dispels shadows of confusion and the intelligence behind those shadows. To the uninitiated this may all sound like a fantasy role playing game. And it is. But it’s also very real. As real as picking a nationalistic side whose rallying cry is “Freedom!”, even though the war is really about controlling natural resources and making money (an invented currency with imagined value) for people who are never the fighting soldiers.
War. Is It For Good?
We tend to look at war and either shrug it off as human nature or struggle against it. But then someone comes along and sees that these wars and our tendency to enact them originate from an unseen puppeteer. And that puppeteer, they say, is the intelligence we must seek to destroy or balance out if we are to stop our illogical, perpetual warring. Because these soothsayers come from heart—because their view transcends and includes our current Western view—those of us who listen tend to think they’ve got the final answer. And they may, too. But maybe, just maybe, if we lay down our arms and examine what war is telling us, a different understanding will become us. It may be that even the warrior’s path becomes the path of the coward when its transcendental purpose is misunderstood.
Who is left to hurt you when you are whole?