She wrote that she had come to the conclusion that she has a weak grasp on reality. She realized it has been that way her entire life. Now she lives in a fantasy in her head and when forced to deal with people is belligerent to them.
She wondered aloud if she’s becoming a crone. Ultimately, she confessed, she is fine with it, so long as people leave her to her fantasy world. And yet here she is posting it to social media, so how fine is she with it, really?
How fine are you?
We would all prefer to be left to the things that come from us. The whole point of self as center is to be self-centered. The self’s action is like a mini Big Bang, jettisoning more self out there to be surrounded by and interact with. Spiritually put, we love to sniff our own farts. Some part of us knows this isn’t the totality of us, but because we seek answers with our sniffer, we always end up smelling what we love.
And then we post about it to our friends and family, not so much to ward them off, but for their positive, “Me, too!” or defending your honor to yourself, “Don’t say that, you’re not that bad!” feedback, which will inevitably make us feel better about the wrongheadedness we’ve embraced.
And this, after a lifetime, is where far too many of us stand. Well, sit. Probably, recline. Eating chips and ice cream. Assessing our lives, we find that we are just okay. We make peace with our inner war. Anyone saying hello is in our way and risks becoming collateral damage.
On goes the TV.
Out goes the Light.