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Books & Documentary
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Aliens: The First And Final Disclosure
What’s It Like?
It’s part comedy roast of ufology and part depth the likes of which you won’t read anywhere else. In other words, part wise ass and part wisdom. This was to be my final say in ufology, the culmination of all my experiences and work, but I may have one more book in me, who knows?
What Was My Goal?
Tearing down BS is fun. Ufology is full of BS to tear down. But tearing down is also too easy. My goal was not just to tear down but tear down and replace with better avenues of discussion, research, and understanding based on my own high strangeness experiences and those of others. First and foremost, though, it was to hold up a mirror to the reader and say, “How dare you ask about aliens when you refuse to see what a human is.”
I Am To Tell You This And I Am To Tell You It Is Fiction
What’s It Like?
A flailing sequel to I Know Why The Aliens Don’t Land! gets hijacked by a higher power who has more important things to share about the multiverse and our place in it than I do. It’s like that.
What Was My Goal?
Originally? To write a sequel to I Know Why The Aliens Don’t Land! called, The Skeleton Key To All Worlds. Which I did. Instead of publishing it, I poached the soul of that book for Urgency., which felt more… well… urgent to publish at the time. So, I had all this leftover sequel material lying around with a buncha UFO Magazine columns that might never have been seen again after magazines went extinct. They were waiting for that golden moment when I could resurrect them.
The moment came in a flash of insight about interdimensionality, reincarnation, and all the related big-concept items of the final leg of the book. I mean I wasn’t thinking about these things, they just popped into my head, wholly fleshed out the way Truth does.
And so I feel I need to tell you this, but let’s also treat it as fiction, because unlike Truth, I don’t know that it isn’t.
What’s It Like?
It’s a fast-moving, snappy articulation of Truth put as clearly as possible, which uses humor to trick you into reading because every page is so packed with material that will otherwise hurt your brain, you might abandon it for, like, Chicken Soup For The Soul, or something. Can’t have that.
What Was My Goal?
To corner the brain, trap the brain, leave no wiggle room for the brain to escape the fact that it is projecting the person reading in search of that which cannot be found by the person. Once the brain understands this completely, it may just shut the person off. If Truth exists at all, it may pick up where the reader left off.
It is a spiritual experiment and you are my Guinea pig. Only less psycho than that.
I Know Why The Aliens Don’t Land!
What’s It Like?
It’s like a funny, quirky, and yet serious tapestry of autobiographical stories, socratic dialogue, and quirky news stories that all work together to open your mind. Stylistically, I was going for Robert Anton Wilson’s Cosmic Trigger books. What I ended up with probably looks more like the Unabomber manifesto. But friendlier.
What Was My Goal?
My goal was to say to the mainstream world, who would never read this book in the first place (delusion #1, I guess), that I am an alien abductee/experiencer. However, I’m not going to talk about it until I prove to you that I’m just like you. I get it, this topic sounds ridiculous. I’d be right there with you laughing at it or ignoring it if it wasn’t happening to me.
Also, the world as you know it is pretty ridiculous, so there’s that.
The Story Of Toe
What’s It Like?
A children’s book for all ages that captures the essence of oneness, interconnection, and paranormality as expressed in I Am To Tell You This And I Am To Tell You It Is Fiction.
What Was My Goal?
In terms of writing this, my goal was to write the purest thing I could have ever written about the depths of existence. In terms of publishing, it was to bring to full color John Randall’s art. A black and white version of this book is found in I Am To Tell You This And I Am To Tell You It Is Fiction, but I felt we had created something together that was special enough to warrant its own standalone book.
Free Space: The Real-Life Story of a Bingo Queen
What’s It like?
It’s like I turned a mockumentary screenplay into a book filled with comedy gold.
Oh, wait! I did!
What Was My Goal?
Start off my B-Movies In A Book series strong and basically make you laugh on every page. The thrust of B-Movies In A Book is to take a collection of unrelated screenplays I wrote eons ago, as well as ideas for screenplays I never got around to writing, and shape them into a coherent, absolutely related, book series in which readers vote to choose which title comes next.
Free Space was written in the style of a mock documentary. This was easy to accomplish because almost every conversation in there really did happened—most at The Bingo Palace bingo hall in Sacramento, California.
As the saying goes, this book practically wrote itself!
Into The End
What’s It Like?
It’s like if Stephen King’s Stand By Me was an interdimensional space opera. If you like young adults from Massachusetts who basically act as a hive mind by relating to each other with insults, one-liners, and snappy comebacks—my childhood, essentially—then this will scratch that itch. And if you like wild, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink-oh-hell-let’s-throw-that-in-there-too sci fi journeys with horror elements and a twist ending that has never been done before? This should win a prize.
All that plus it has heart. And romance. But nothing dirty. Grow up.
What Was My Goal?
My, how my goals evolved. This was the first book I ever wrote. Wrote in back in high school as a response to my high strangeness experiences. The book sat in a drawer for many years, until one fine day, William J. Birnes asked me to ghost-write a science fiction book for him that he was ghost writing for George Noory. That’s right, I was ghost writing for the ghost writer.
Bill gave me the parameters, and I thought, ‘Huh. I bet I could be as lazy as Bill and George, here, and just rework my old teenage book.’ So I did. But it wasn’t lazy. It was actually hugely difficult and fun writing a book with teen me as a writing partner.
The original story was a straight-on alien abduction tale. This book is… more. A lot more. No spoilers. But at least you know the Massachusetts teen boy dialogue was authentically written by a Massachusetts teen boy!