Our full, whole, true nature is No-Thing, which is to say that we are non-existence and existence. We can see this in the following logical exercise:
If we strip away all things in existence, what we’re left with is nothingness. But nothingness is a concept and concepts exist in intelligence—except for this one. This concept of nothingness exists prior to all intelligences. Therefore, nothingness is intelligence itself. Furthermore, since time does not exist without objects, we can see that this formless intelligence exists not just prior to, but prior to and inclusive of all things.
This formless intelligence, this nothingness, has one action: being. What is intelligence being? Everything.
The existence portion on No-Thing is action—the action of being. Therefore, it is true that we are No-Being and Being; this is illustrated fractally with and within life itself. Some obvious examples:
- We are born from nothingness into thingness and then die back again to nothingness.
- As infants, our minds are empty. As we grow physically, our minds grow cluttered with thoughts. Then, through meditation, if we’re lucky, our minds become empty.
- In sleep, we have thoughts, dreams, and hallucinations, but also a period of deep, dreamless, imageless sleep. Sleep is an inverse example where we go from the thingness of waking existence to the formlessness of the internal, and then back again when we wake.
So, we are No-Being and Being through and through, forwards and backwards. The examples above are reminders of the original Nothingness-Thingness in which all examples exist and to which they point. This is what we are regardless of how conscious we are of it.
So, how do we become conscious of it? How do we see through those eyes, not just make intellectual declarations about them?
The words to the answer are simple. Actualizing them? Not so much. The answer is for the brain to end the doer. When doing ceases, one is being. Being has its own doing, which is called, Truth. Ordinarily, doing is… well… what we do. It’s what we do while we’re being. We don’t do immutable Truth, though, we do relative truths and facts because selves, in our very existence, are the separation between being and doing. This, because the brain is mistakenly engaging time with time—that is to say, with this concocted internal awareness made of memory who says it’s learning and growing and yet is somehow so broken that it cannot save the world from its good intentions—but, oh well, that’s just human nature. We need more time to evolve.
The self is the doer who, by the nature of our existence, blocks out as much of Being as possible. Oh, sure, we’ll allow a trickle here and a trickle there in our off-guard moments. That’s when the insights seemingly from nowhere come, right? But we filter and control them. This is partly why we exist as doers: we’re regulators.
Blocking out, syphoning, deciphering information, and reacting through the physical senses, the mind, and whatever else, takes a lot of energy. It’s work being a doer! Relaxation is just a pitstop on the way to the next leg of the race. There’s no rest, not really, because even in rest we start to feel uncomfortable. Much of our lives are spent blocking out how uncomfortable we are physically, psychologically, socially—go down the list. The backwards rub is that we think this struggle is part of human nature when, in fact, it is a struggle against our true nature.
Being is natural. Doing is friction. Since Being includes doing, what more is there for us, personally, to do? We think we’re autonomous persons exhibiting choice. We make choices, right? According to Western philosophy, we think therefore we are. And so, we have free will. Science gives mechanical structure to this notion, claiming that all of the options in eternity are hovering in superposition, just waiting for our almighty decision. That’s when one of them comes unfrozen, jumping at the chance to bask in the action of our fleeting, present choice, only to become some dead, forgotten moment of the past.
And we make rules about choice. In government they are called laws and in religion called beliefs. But what if that is all wrong? What if we are an illusion? What if we are a fractal version of Being—selves who contain the doing—projected by the brain like a hologram? And what if we have no choice because we’re illusions? What if the brain alone has choice, but only one? Not all the false choices it invents through this holographic doer, but just the one free will choice to stop projecting the doer?
Being is the action of everything. What is Being doing? Existing. And in that existing is everything. So there is nothing for us to do. No reason for us to exist anymore. We are a hinderance to the fullness of Be-ing doing through the body.
No reason for us to exist anymore.
Notice that word, anymore. Being is all things, including you. You do exist. You, the ego, the hallucinating brain, have to exist as all things must. Disease and ease. But if we were a healthy species, this overblown self sense would be a phase we go through in early development, not the thing we live and destroy as our entire lives.
If the brain behind the eyes sets aside the person reading and interpreting this—if the brain reads this bravely—it will see that you need to not exist anymore, for as long as you are here there is disease. And the physical world that sustains the brain cannot take it much longer. The death of the world by a cancerous species running out of time is something that must exist… but in imagination only. And, see, that is our true gift and purpose: living beautifully while imagining ugly. The bad stuff doesn’t have to be played out, it just has to be represented virtually.
All possibilities are stored in imagination.
All probabilities are stored in space-time.
All actualities are played out in life.
That is Being. That is You. This is us.