Animals instinctively know to get nurtured to the degree they need and then be set free into the wild to explore and be themselves. That’s what they do all day: be themselves. Humans do the opposite. We call our natural state “ideal” and set it at a distance to journey toward through self-exploration. We explore the very self that is in the way of our true nature to find that nature—and we think this is learning. It’s actually crazy.
In its own way this circumstance we find ourselves in is natural. Yet and still, it is something that needs to be seen through for the real to be the case.
What is the real?
What isn’t the real? Let’s start there.
When we are our whole selves we are love. All of love. Evil is not the opposite of love, it is the ability to choose within a dualistic framework that exists as a denial of our wholeness, of ourselves as love.
It takes work to lie, to hurt, to murder. There’s a lot of repression involved and a lot of trying to keep one’s story straight. There are whole facades that demand management beyond the acts themselves. And yet this is what we call human nature.
No, human nature is what happens when we relax and let go the facades, the will to injure ourselves and others, to cover up our pain. Sorrow is only the shared human circumstance because we’ve stalled in our development, having fallen “in love” with the idea that we are developing, learning, discovering. Of course. What a great excuse to remain as we are, comfortable on our bed of nails. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.
We are the devil we know. And that devil worships literacy. And that devil knows how to write freedoms into laws so that we have a choice to either live by those laws or break them because that devil loves choice. That devil believes choice is free will. Believes that undisciplined choice is freedom.
This is us. And out there, in the big scary world, lives every other being—every other organism—in the wild. Free in the world, not on paper. Free in the heart and in the now. Free to be themselves. Every Earthly being. Except us. Except us and we are all finite. We are all choosing shackles in our limited engagement as life. This we call “civilized” and we gladly live for this.
Death is the thing we fear. Death from the confines. Death as release. Release into the wild.
Release into the freedom of Being.