We want to be known. This is why being a televised person in a plugged-in culture is so appealing. It’s why school shootings happen. It’s why we leave suicide notes. It’s why social media “likes” are replacing affection and praise.
We want to be known by God, not understand ourselves as Oneself behind the dualistic god concept.
We want a god that is acceptable to us. A god in our image. Our image as everyone else’s god.
We want to live on in the minds of the unseen masses.
We want to be god and we want to be man. We want to be duality in the oneness machine pumping light tricks and illusions into our own eyeballs. We want to be that feedback loop, eating our own tail. We want pixilated immortality.
These are our demands.
We hold ourselves for ransom.
This is what happens when society dictates what we are: our true nature bubbles to the surface in ways acceptable to dictators. And, in the end, we are all the dictators, for we are society. We are already what we’re striving to be. There is no evolution. No good fight. There is stagnation disguised as forward momentum.
There is you watching you, hoping you’re not alone in a world of billions.